Weekly Testing Numbers & Percentage Positive

Testing Data

Note: The graphs depict total tests and not the number of persons tested. Some individuals may be tested multiple times.

Weekly Testing Numbers

The following graph depicts the number of specimens collected for testing by the Southeast Health District each week. Tests are also performed by private physicians, hospitals, federally qualified health centers, urgent care centers, among others so this number is not a comprehensive total of all testing done in our area.

As of January 1, 2025, data will no longer be updated in this chart.
If you have any questions, please email

Percentage of Positive COVID-19 Tests by County

Note: The percentages available on the Department of Public Health’s online Daily Status Report tool can provide the positivity rate for a previous two-week period and the percentage positive overall. This tool includes testing done at various locations, including public health testing sites, urgent care centers, hospitals, and other facilities that conduct testing as reported to the DPH.

 To access each county’s percentage positive testing rate, please follow the steps below.

 Please select the following link: https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report.

  1. Scroll down the page until you see the heading “Georgia Cases by County” in the middle of the webpage.
  2. Scroll slightly further down and, on the left, you will see the heading “COVID-19 By County”.
  3. Of the four options (PCR Cases, PCR Testing, Confirmed Deaths and Total Cases), select “PCR Testing”.
  4. Under “PCR Testing”, there is an option on the left to select either “% Positive Last 2 Weeks” or “% Positive Overall”. Select the desired time here.
  5. Next to that selection area, a date is listed. You may select a different date if desired.
  6. At this time, you may obtain the desired data by hovering over each specific county.