Booster doses of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are now available at your local health department! Check to see if you meet the criteria to receive a booster.
Homebound COVID-19 Vaccinations
See if you or your family members meet the requirements to receive a vaccination at home.
DPH Will Resume J&J Vaccinations in Georgia
Following a thorough safety review, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the CDC and ACIP have determined that the recommended pause regarding the use of the J&J COVID vaccine in the U.S. should be lifted.
SEHD Pauses Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Administration
At this time, we will be pausing our Johnson & Johnson vaccine administration based on recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility Expands to All Georgians Aged 16 and Older
All Georgians aged 16 and over will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as of March 25.
VRAS – Online Scheduling Portal is Now Available
An online scheduling portal is now available for those eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in our health district.
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility Will Expand Again March 15
Per Governor Kemp’s recent announcement regarding COVID-19 availability to more Georgians, eligibility will expand March 15 to include…
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility Will Expand March 8
Governor Brian Kemp announced February 25 that COVID-19 vaccination eligibility will expand March 8 to include…
Reactivating our COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Scheduling Process
Southeast Health District is reactivating our COVID-19 vaccination appointment scheduling process! See if you qualify!
Southeast Health District is Pausing the Scheduling of COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments
If you have a scheduled appointment to receive your first or second dose, you will not be affected by this change unless contacted otherwise.